Sometimes, a person’s cultural background or immigration status may make them more vulnerable to domestic abuse as well as forming barriers to prevent them from leaving an abusive partner.
For example, it may be that they are isolated by language barriers so it makes it a lot harder for them to contact someone for help or even how to go about finding help within their area.
Sometimes just a simple thing like calling the police can seem impossible because of the language barriers, or a mistrust between the police and the community of which the victim is a part of.
The police in the victim’s own country of origin may not enforce laws against domestic abuse effectively, so the victim can assume it would be the same in her new country.
Non-nationals may also have an insecure immigration status and therefore be afraid to contact the authorities in case of repercussions. They may assume that changes to their domestic status would influence their ability to stay in the country.
They can also be dependent on their partner or partner’s family for financial support and be isolated from people outside their immediate family or community.
Furthermore, if the abuse is considered an “honour-based crime” the victim may not have anyone to turn to within their family or community. An “honour-based crime” is not one particular offence. Rather it is an umbrella term to encompass various offences used to exert control to protect perceived cultural and religious beliefs and/or honour.
It is associated with bringing shame to the family and while community members and relatives may not agree with the abuse the victim is suffering, they could feel reluctant to get involved in something that is “traditionally”respected.
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