Distance is always crucial when defending against acid attacks, but this may not always be possible, and the element of surprise so often used may render this approach invalid. If distance is not possible, you need to understand that the simple blink reflex will not save you, nor will the hands up approach stop enough of the substance from getting into the face and eyes, which of course is the most dangerous place, and unfortunately most often aimed for by the attacker.
Creating and practicing a turn and head away approach and embedding this as a reflex is the only reliable defence against an acid attack. Taking the brunt of the attack on your back and if lucky enough the layers of clothing may give you a chance, but you need to remove clothing and limit damage to skin as soon as possible.
Take care when removing clothing and if necessary, have the clothing cut to avoid pulling it over your head and towards the eyes and respiratory system.
In terms of dealing with an acid attack, time is really a crucial element.
Make sure that the area is safe, and wear gloves when touching the victim, surrounding area or clothing. Flood the affected area with litres and litres of water for at least 20 minutes to disperse the chemical and stop the burning. If the casualty is prone – ensure that the water does not collect under the casualty, as the water could contain a high enough concentration of chemical to damage the skin, and cause toxic fumes, or be absorbed / ingested by the casualty.
If the chemical attack is affecting the eyes, the process of dousing the area in water is still the same, but if only one eye is affected, take care not to allow the water to wash into the unaffected eye. You can achieve this by tilting the head so that the affected eye is positioned lower than the unaffected one. Do not allow the victim to touch the affected eye, and do not forcibly remove any contact lenses, as this could cause more damage to the eye.
Remove any affected clothing, as there may be a deposit of the corrosive material, which is still making contact with the skin, or has not yet eaten through the clothing. Take care not to remove this towards the eyes if there is a chance of getting the substance in or near to the eyes.
Cutting the clothing may be the best option. Also remove any jewellery or watches, as they could be reacting with the chemical or storing pockets of chemical.
Get professional medical assistanceas soon as possible and keep reassuring and talking to the victim. Monitor their breathing, pulse, level of responsiveness – and remember to keep them calm.